In my blog you'll find captions about love, hate, curiosity, and almost every other emotion we are capable of.
As always,
I hope you like my creations!

interactive caption series
brought to you by
crestf & TGCaptionBlogger
Current episode:
Upcoming episode:
Voting in progress

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Perfect Copy

Last weekend I had another great chat with my friend Harry. And I showed him a few more pics so that he could come up with ideas for them (I really love making use of Harry's incredible creativity :D). And this is one of them.
Thank you, Harry, for providing me with these fantastic ideas. And I hope that all of you like how the cap turned out :)

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Very Conflicting

And here's another story based on an idea by my friend TGCaptionBlogger. It's really much fun turning his fantastic ideas into caps :)

Thursday, December 1, 2022

In The Bathtub

And here's already another cap that's based on an idea by my friend Harry.
I really love to make use of his incredible creativity :D

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Power Abuse

During the latest conversation with my very good friend Harry aka TGCaptionBlogger, I showed him a few pics and asked him to come up with ideas for them.

Here's one of the fantastic story ideas he came up with.

I hope you all enjoy the cap :)

Saturday, October 22, 2022

We're Still Working On It!

Hi guys!

I am really sorry that it is taking me soooo long to publish the new episode of Anniversary Leap. And I just wanted to let all of you know that Harry and I are still very much dedicated to this caption series. And we're certainly not going to abandon it!

I can't really explain why I'm having so much trouble writing the new episode. Not only am I in a pretty creative mood lately, but Harry also did a fantastic job coming up with the ideas for the various scenes. I just can't seem to focus long enough to turn these ideas into a full-fledged story :(

But trust me, once the episode is finished you're going to love it! Because there are going to be lots of great scenes and dialogues in it :D

So, stay tuned. It's going to be well worth the (long) wait!