In my blog you'll find captions about love, hate, curiosity, and almost every other emotion we are capable of.
As always,
I hope you like my creations!

interactive caption series
brought to you by
crestf & TGCaptionBlogger
Current episode:
Upcoming episode:
Voting in progress

Friday, December 15, 2023

Mother-Daughter Time - Part 2

This is another fine example where I had this pic stored on my computer for a very long time, knowing exactly what I wanted to use it for, but didn't get around to making the cap for some reason.

But today I finally sat down and wrote this sequel and I hope you enjoy it :)

Friday, November 24, 2023

Reality Curse - It Can Do That?!

Sometimes, characters get new powers or machines and devices get new upgrades in TV shows in later seasons.

Well…and that's also the case here in this series ;)

Thursday, November 23, 2023

(Not) Many New Things

The idea for this caption came from my very good friend Celebswap, when I showed him this pic quite a while ago. And I decided to use it now because it let me revisit another universe that I don't use in caps that often.

Thanks again, buddy, for letting me use some of our ideas here on my blog. And I hope that you all like this cap :)

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The House - Late Second Thoughts

Original - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

I haven't thought about this caption series of mine for a very long time. But then I found this pic and immediately knew that I wanted to use it in my little 'The House' miniverse.

I hope you enjoy seeing this series again :)

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Costume Party


Other Costume

Happy Halloween

 Hey, my friends!

Today you'll be getting a real treat from me. I'm not going to post just one cap. I'm also not going to post two caps. No...I am going to post three brand-new Halloween-themed caps here on my blog. So stay tuned. And I really hope that you'll enjoy them.

Happy Halloween everyone!

Monday, October 30, 2023

The Rookie

It took me a few days to finally come up with an idea for last week's Quantum Leap pic :)

Friday, October 27, 2023

Reality Curse - Guys Night

The human mind is truly a fantastic thing. Because almost right after I posted the last Reality Curse caption, I had an idea for the next longer story arch :D

I'm not quite sure where I'm going with this,'s a start ;)

Friday, October 13, 2023

Reality Curse - Treat

It’s been a while since I last posted a ‘Reality Curse’ caption, so I thought it would be fun to check in and see what the characters are up to.
Note that this is not the start of a new story arc. I’m still trying to come up with ideas for that. This is just a fun little idea I had when I found this pic. Maybe I’ll do more of these one-offs before jumping into a longer storyline again.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Need The Money

My quest to create a caption using every female body the Leaper in the 2022 version of Quantum Leap lands in continues ;)

Last week the new season began and yesterday was the first episode of the season in which the Leaper jumped into a female host.

Once again there was only a single mirror scene. But as it was with previous episodes before, that's a challenge I'm always willing to accept :D

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Do Things Together

A few days ago I had another nice chat with my friend Harry aka TGCaptionBlogger. And he let me pick his brain once again. And this caption is the result of one of the creative ideas he had for the pics I showed him.
Thanks, buddy :D

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Episode finished & New Poll

I'm sure that at least some of you didn't expect to see another Anniversary Leap post so soon ;)

But it's true. I just posted the second part of 'On Thin Ice' over on the AL blog. Go and find out how the Leaper deals with the pretty hard situation he's currently facing.

And while you're there, cast your vote in the latest poll. To determine which episode is going to happen next. We are coming closer and closer to the season finale, that's why there are only three options to choose from. The poll will close in 72 hours.

As always, Harry and I hope that you're still enjoying the series :D

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Calm For A Reason

Once again, I made use of the incredible creativity of my good friend CelebSwap when coming up with the story for this caption. It is based on an idea he had for the picture I sent him.

Thanks for providing me with so many fantastic ideas to choose from, buddy :D