In my blog you'll find captions about love, hate, curiosity, and almost every other emotion we are capable of.
As always,
I hope you like my creations!

interactive caption series
brought to you by
crestf & TGCaptionBlogger
Current episode:
Upcoming episode:
Voting in progress

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

New Big Story

For this cap I made use of another friend's incredible creativity :D

For the past few years CelebSwap and I have this thing going, where we come up with a theme, I then send him pics and he comes up with ideas for them. And usually, I turn a few of those ideas into personal caps for him.

But a few days ago I asked him if I could use some of the older, still unused ideas here on my blog. And he immediately agreed. So, from time to time I'm gonna post new captions based on CelebSwap's fantastic ideas.

Thanks, buddy :)

Monday, July 24, 2023

Low Chances

Last week after a capping session with my friend Harry, I asked him to post the cap he made with a pic I sent him on his blog.
And during our chat this weekend he asked me to do the same with a cap I made a while ago using one of his pics.

I hope you like the cap as much as he does :)

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Rockstar Dad

A few days ago I remembered that there was one more TG scene in the 2022 'Quantum Leap' TV show. It wasn't part of a normal episode, but a scene from a promo video instead.

And in my quest to use all of the female bodies that the Leaper landed in in captions, I simply HAD to do that ;D