In my blog you'll find captions about love, hate, curiosity, and almost every other emotion we are capable of.
As always,
I hope you like my creations!

interactive caption series
brought to you by
crestf & TGCaptionBlogger
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Voting in progress

Friday, February 27, 2015

I Guess We're Saved!

Great news, people!

According to an article on THE VERGE ( and the therein mentioned post on the company's product forum (!category-topic/blogger/jAep2mLabQY), which came to my knowledge thanks to an anonymous commenter, it seems that our blogs are going to stay just the way they are!

I was almost ready to post the news that my plans to stay here were doomed, because BlogSpot (or Blogger) only allows 100 invitated readers (an info I didn't find in any official FAQ). So I've spent the last few hours trying to get a blog on tumblr to look and feel almost the same as here. Because I've always liked it here!

But apparently all of us captioneers at BlogSpot (or Blogger, or whatever it is called) can relax, chill down, and get back to our regular work of creating TG captions for everyone who likes to see them - without changing habits, URLs, profiles, blogs,....

Best wishes,

Sorry For The Mistake

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Didn't Pay Attention

My Plan About The New Policy

Hi guys,

I guess, by now most of you have heard or read about the new policy that's going to be enforce here on BlogSpot.
Since I've been here for quite some time, and thus will be grandfathered when I mark my blog as private, that's exactly what I'm going to do. But I have no clear idea, how that's going to work.
I'll be doing this step the weekend before the 23rd of March, and I'll try to add everyone of my followers onto the list. I just hope once the blog is private that at least I can post some kind of message to let people know, how to contact me for a private invitation.
We'll see how this is going to work out, but I hope that I can stay here, because I like this environment, even if they try to make it hard for captioneers like me. Only when they make it too difficult to keep this blog running am I going to look for an alternative.

Until then, lets just hope for the best.

Best wishes,

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Get What I Want

It seems that I messed up with the schedule a bit yesterday, but I guess you don't mind getting two captions for the price of one :-)