Friday, July 12, 2024

Where Is She - Part 8


  1. This is the best one so far! Love seeing how after three weeks, he's adjusting and seeing it more of his body, his friends, etc. Super curious to see where this leads....Hoping its longer than a 9 part series ;). Wonder if Josh ends up falling in love with one of those guys, and cares less and less about recovering his old life!

    1. And Josh might not fall in love. At least not yet. Josh might decide to take a few out for some test drives.

  2. Josh is finally seeing and feeling the upside of the situation.... If I were "him" the original Sofia would never get her body back.

  3. I love the way he is changing the more time he spends in his new body.

  4. I feel that Sofia is now ruining Josh’s original life beyond what she can compensate, if Josh manages to get a hold of her life maybe she can have his life and deal with the consequences of her actions while Josh gets a second chance at youth and college without Sofia messing it up again.
