Thursday, February 8, 2024


Finally, a new episode of Quantum Leap aired with a female host AND a mirror image. Sort of. But as soon as I saw this scene I had the idea for this cap. Hope you enjoy it :)

Oh…and btw, I added the new label Series: QL Mirror Images for my quest to cap every female host of the 2022 version on Quantum Leap ;)


  1. clever & orignal. LOL Not wha8t he hooped for. love thebit ayt the wnd when he remembers an old maid lokking at him stragely when he was youing

  2. Wow... such a great cap. I love the plot twist of him becoming his great-grandmother's maid instead of his great-grandmother xD Also love the implication at the end that he's going to be stuck like that for a while ;)
