Wednesday, August 30, 2023

I Am Dexter

I used yet another short but very concise idea from my very good friend CelebSwap as basis for this cap. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do :)


  1. I love the trickery here. I wonder, if after a few weeks, if he doesn't discover he likes the new body?

  2. excellet story! The poor guy is really doomed & STUCK. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE HOOKER I WONDER?

  3. Oooh! Adam already changed Dexter’s mind so that Dexter can’t operate the machine. There’s no reason Adam didn’t change Dexter’s mind so that Dexter will fall madly in love with Adam the first time Dexter sees Adam. Adam will get the fame and recognition AND a housewife with the body of a hooker.

    Dexter gets an even BETTER deal. Dexter won’t have to compete. Dexter will support Adam and be a good housewife. And Adam will pound Dexter a LOT.
