Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Immersive Game - Log In

It's amazing what simple questions like 'Have you seen the John Carter of Mars movie?' followed by 'Dejah Thoris is hot, right?' can lead to ;)

When a very good friend brought up these questions over the weekend I immediately started a Google image search (I have seen the movie but it was a while ago). And only a few minutes later I had gifs and ideas for a nice little animated caption series :D

It is still very much work in progress, so I don't know how long the series is going to be in the end. But I hope you enjoy what these simple questions made me do :)


  1. I hope I live long enough to experience something approaching this level of VR.

  2. Love, love, love this idea. Who wouldn't want to experience being a strong and sexy warrior princess? Looking forward to seeing where it develops!

  3. Hehehe - Obviously a two player game and someone has to be the warrior princess.
