Sunday, May 28, 2023

Episode finished & New Poll

I just posted the second part of 'Saloon Sorrows' over on the Anniversary Leap blog. Go and check it out, because I think Harry totally nailed this episode :D

Of course, there's also a new poll open. But you'll notice that there are only four options instead of the usual five. This is not a mistake. It means that we're getting close to the end of season 2. So, once these last four episodes are voted for and posted, we'll have two transition episodes into season 3.

The poll closes in 72 hours.

We both hope that you're still enjoying this caption series (even though we have been lacking in the posting intervals lately. Real life and writer's block can be bitches). Harry and I are still really dedicated to the series, as there are still lots of crazy/funny/scary situations for the Leaper to jump into :)

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