Saturday, April 1, 2023

Surprise Episode and New Poll

Today I'm pleased and honored to present you a special surprise. Because this time the new episode isn't 'just' based mostly on the ideas of TGCaptionBlogger. No, the entire episode Saloon Sorrows was written by him :D

So, it isn't just a must-read for every fan of Anniversary Leap, it's also a must-read for every  fan of TGCaptionBlogger's fantastic work. What am I saying? It's a must-read for everyone :) Because it is THAT good!!

Of course, there's also a new poll open over on the AL blog. Please, after reading the new episode take a bit of your time and help to decide what's going to happen next. And just like with the last two polls, this one again is going to be open for 3 full days.

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