Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Gaining The Upper Hand


  1. Cool story. I love that Angel finding herself in his body uses it to her advantage.


  2. hahaha I Love This! For once the bad guy gets punished NOT by Being Stuck. This is exactly how these stories should work. No being stuck in a messed up life when there are other people that also suffer ie. the family that no longer gets to see their loved one either so it's not only negative for the one that's plan has not worked. But one where the person with the Malicious Intentions gets screwed in Their Real Life. But here George is screwed (literally and figuratively)and Charles And His Wife reap the rewards. So it's an Awesome story!

    1. Addendum: The wife is the heroine of the story; she was clever enough to take advantage of her situation and steal the information that effected true damaged to her impostor. Go Angela !
