Monday, January 8, 2018

Agreed Swap


  1. Wow - wicked curse. I wonder what started it all.


  2. Why would anyone want to leave a body that hot?? I certainly wouldn't.

  3. Hank called his old cell number with the phone he found in his/her purse.

    "Look, leave me alone..."

    "Please, just answer a couple of questions. I get it, you won't agree to switch. But help me out a little here. Does the guy have to have sex with you I mean me, first?"

    "Not sure, I don't think so though, just agree to trade bodies. Most guys don't want to do that. You were the first in a long string of one night stands. Now I want to try to forget the last couple of years..."

    "Years? It took you that long?"

    "Yes, are we done here?"

    "Did you ever look for someone who WANTED to be a woman instead of a man?"

    "Well, no, I was too horny. Those kinds of guys usually don't go to bars to pick up girls like me, um you."

    "Okay, thanks for the answers. Look, one more thing. I am really horny and I know you don't want to switch back. Can you help me out tonight, just once. I'm afraid to go looking for a stranger to screw. I promise I won't do anything to hurt you, I just need to get laid."

    "Okay, but only because I can't stop thinking about screwing that body, but you have to leave after we're done. You live a few blocks from here, I'll drive you home after we're finished."

    Hank and his old body, Margo, had sex 4 times that night. The new Hank was working off the memories of having been forced to sleep with men and Margo was so taken with her new body and the sensations that she now had. Hank let her sleep over after all and then she went to her new home. She started looking for a man who wanted to be a woman. Meantime, she and Hank had an agreement, sex but no attachments. But after a couple of weeks, it turned into dinner and sex then dinner, sex and breakfast which Margo would cook.

    One morning after they finished cleaning up breakfast dishes, Margo told Hank she had found a man who was willing to switch lives with her.

    "Don't do it, please." Hank said.

    "Why not, Margo asked, looking at him with a smirk on her pretty face. She had an idea why but wanted him to say it.

    "I love you, I want to marry you. If you get pregnant, you will lose the high libido or that's what the last woman in that body told me."

    "Really? Do you think that was true? I mean I saw the birth control pills and the condoms you kept in your purse. So if we get married, I get pregnant and I stop wanting to jump your bones everyday and night?"

    "I believe so, yes. I guess I should have said something sooner. Like right after we swapped. I just was so happy to be a guy again it slipped my mind."

    "Actually, I ran into the man you used to be a few months ago. He was interested in my offer. It seems he missed the sex, something I can understand, it is fantastic. He mentioned the pregnancy issue as well. He wanted to do the same thing you suggested just now, sort of. Become Margo again, find a guy, get married and then get pregnant and enjoy great sex for the rest of her life. I turned him down."

    "But you agreed to do it with this other guy?"

    "There is no other guy. I've been working on a plan of my own. You talk in your sleep, anyone ever tell you that?"

    "What? No, never heard that before but what did I say?"

    "you call my name and you pledge your love to me when you do. Hank, I got pregnant 6 weeks ago. I still want to jump your bones everyday and night but only because I love you and you know this body so well, you really make the earth move, every, single, time. Yes, I will marry you."

    Margo had a little girl the first time, then 2 sons and finally twin girls. They all lived very happily ever after.

    1. WOW!
      Thank you, Bashful! For this absolutely amazing story.
      I'm always surprised and I feel really honored when my little ideas get incredible responses like this or similar reactions.
      I'm loving it :-)
