Sunday, January 3, 2016

The 10 Million Views Surprise!

Ladies and gentlemen,

I did it. I've done it. It's finished. Finally. Better late than never.
I have just finished uploading the surprise I've promised some time ago.

All of you, who can't wait to see it, can just scroll down to the end of the post and click on the link.
Everyone else, who wants some behind-the-scenes information, just read on.

When I've noticed that this blog was getting near the 10 million mark, I've begun thinking about what I wanted to do to celebrate this milestone. As I've already said in the first post, at first I've thought about doing the same thing that I did, when the 5 million mark was crossed. But then, during my summer vacation, it suddenly hit me. I remembered reading those 'fantasy fighting books' with my grandma - you know, the books where you can choose how the story continues, sometimes based on your character's skills, sometimes based on your decision. And I suddenly had the idea that I wanted to do something like this. Just without the whole RPG part, of course.
So I began playing with the idea of creating a story, or in fact multiple stories, which start in a single chapter and then branch off.
I've then started with the outline of the stories, using some flowchart software.
Once this was finished, I made a list of all the chapters, and wrote down what I wanted or needed the corresponding picture(s) to look like - basically just the name of the character that should be seen, and his or her posture or facial expression.
And then the search for the images began. I'm not exaggerating when I tell you that I've been skimming through thousands and thousands of images and screencaps. Thankfully I've found some very good sources for them, so it didn't take as long as I've originally thought. I've even managed to get way more images than I wanted to use - which expanded the length of quite a few chapters.
When I've finally had all the images I wanted to use, the next step was to write the captions. And even though I consider myself quite skilled in that department, this step took much longer than anticipated - mostly thanks to real life, but sometimes also thanks to my laziness.
But just a short while ago, I've finished my last caption. And after making sure that everything is uploaded correctly, and that all connections between the chapter are made, I can now present you - not without a bit of pride, I have to admit - my very first, branching caption story.

Before I give you the link to the prologue chapter, here are a few stats about the story. It consists of 42 chapters (that was really a coincidence) with a total of 93 single captions. See, I've told you, that it's going to be big. So, at the end of each chapter you are going to find one or more links to other chapters. When you reach an end, there's a link to the beginning (or you can also just use the Back button in your browser to select another option in the previous chapter(s)).

Alright, so without any further delay, I'm proud to present my first, branching caption story:

A Bad Day

I really hope you enjoy it.

P.S.: If you want to leave comments, please do it either here in the post, or in the first chapter. I've disabled the comment function in all the other chapters (I don't really know why, I've just thought that I don't want the comments (if there are even going to be some) to be all over the place. If this was a stupid idea, please let me know, and I'll open up the comment function in every chapter).


  1. Quite possibly the best multi-path cap I've ever seen. Amazingly done.

  2. Easily the best TG caption ever made. Simply amazing work.

  3. Thanks for your awesome creation crestf !! i wish you a Happy new year and keep making this fabulous work ^^

  4. This was fantastic! The only thing you missed was sofia vegara, but still just amazing! Thank you!

  5. Really great :) The only thing I'm concerned about is that I may not have gotten to all storylines :) As I like "mean" fates my favourites are the mexican and indian woman :D
    Really well done and congratulations on the 10K*K views :)


  6. congratulations on the 10 million. i shall check the multi caption out might
    have to wait till the weekend though 93 panels! would take me all night.

  7. Awesome cap/story

  8. Great job,truly a joy to go through

  9. Its the best thing i ever seen i hope it comes more like this i love that and that it goes about us all and not about a james or jenny
