Saturday, October 3, 2015

Not Everything


  1. One of your best, well written, sexy& funny with a great pic. I've got to know though - did they SWAP BACK or did the pleasure & excitement they got from each other cause them to keep each other's body & life?

    1. Well, they did swap back at the end of the therapy, but they've learned so much about each other, about being each other, that they managed to avoid a divorce and brought their marriage back on track.
      Of course, after spending some time as each other, and after experience so much pleasure, both of them were thinking about their time during their therapy, but they both knew that it was for the best, how things worked out.

      You know, that I don't answer these kind of questions usually, because I like to keep my caption sort of open-ended for the readers to imagine, how things continue, but because it's you, and because you really wanted to know, I've thought that I can make an exception....once.

      Once again, thank you for all your support, I really, really appreciate it.

      Best wishes,

  2. Thanks for breaking your usual practice. I do appreciate it as well as your work.
