In my blog you'll find captions about love, hate, curiosity, and almost every other emotion we are capable of.
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I hope you like my creations!

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2x11 - Grandmaster (Part 2) - ('Ignore your friend and enjoy the 60s' won with 60.5%)

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Always There For Her


  1. Vengeance ! Roger will never get his body back. screw over the mother n law in his body !

  2. Hey Crest! I've been trying to track down an old(er) caption that I think must be one of yours... It's a blonde girl with her tongue out pulling down an Arsenal "Fly Emirates" top, and it's Clinton and his friend Sherman (the now transformed girl). I can't find it anywhere, and I can't access the full image to reverse image search it either!

    Anyway, if you happen to remember this, would love to be able to find it again!


    1. Hey Curious!
      I'm really sorry but I don't think that caption is from me. I searched through all of the caps I posted here on the blog and I couldn't find anything that matched your description.
      I don't think I've ever used the names Clinton or Sherman in my caps ;)

      Once again, I'm sorry and I hope that you can find the cap somewhere else!

  3. I love the mystery here, I get the feeling that Tamala might be behind the swap!

  4. Wow, that swap really sucks for Roger. But I bet Tamala totally fucked her own daughter on their honeymoon :D

    1. And it would suck even more for Roger if he finds out that Tamala did it better! :D
